Vocabulary List - Huck Finn 1

1.     commence (verb) - to begin; to start

2.     tolerable (adj.) - endurable

3.     shrivel (verb) - to make or become much less or smaller; dwindle

4.     providence (noun) - (1) care or preparation in advance; foresight (2) divine direction

5.     ingots (noun) – metal in bar shapes

6.     oracle (noun) - a prophet, someone who can tell the future; an announcement of what will happen

7.    specimen (noun) - an individual, item, or part that represents a class, genus, or whole

8.    infernal (adj.) - abominable; awful

9.    speculate (verb) - to guess about a subject

10. hogshead (noun) - a large barrel or cask which hold approximately 63 liquid gallons


Vocabulary List – Huck Finn 2

1.     vial (noun) – a small container used especially for liquids

2.     pivot (verb) – to cause to rotate, revolve, or turn

3.     careened (verb) – to lurch or swerve while in motion

4.     gaudy (adj.) – showy in a tasteless or vulgar way

5.     thicket (noun) – a dense growth of shrubs or underbrush

6.     crockery (noun) – earthenware or tableware

7.     reticule (noun) – a drawstring handbag or purse

8.     pensive (adj.) – suggestive or expressive of melancholy thoughtfulness

9.     impair (verb) – to cause to diminish as in strength, value, or quality

10. pommel (verb) – to beat; pummel


Vocabulary List - Huck Finn 3

1.     capered (verb) - to leap or frisk about; frolic

2.     cavorting (verb) - to have lively or boisterous fun; romp

3.      scow (noun) - a large flat bottom boat with square ends, used chiefly for transporting freight

4.     tartar (noun) - a person regarded as ferocious or violent

5.     enamel (noun) - a coating that dries to a hard glossy finish 

6.     lineal (adj.) - belonging to or being in the direct line of descent of an ancestor               

7.     histrionic (adj.) - excessively dramatic or emotional

8.     phrenology (noun) - the study of the shape and protuberances of the skull, based on the belief that they reveal character or mental capacity

9.     contrite (adj.) - feeling regret or sorrow for one’s sins or offences; penitent

10.   sublime (adj.) - awe inspiring; impressive


Vocabulary List – Huck Finn 4

1.     soliloquy (noun) – a dramatic form of discourse in which a character talks to him or herself or reveals his or her thoughts without addressing a listener

2.     yawl (noun) – a ship’s small boat, crewed by rowers

3.     pallet (noun) – a temporary bed made by bedding arranged on the floor

4.     valid (adj.) – well grounded; just

5.     stealthy (adj.) – acting with quiet, caution, and secrecy intended to avoid notice

6.     ingenious (adj.) – marked by inventive skill and imagination

7.     dismal (adj.) – causing gloom or depression; dreary

8.     temperance (noun) – moderation and self-restraint, as in behavior or expression

9.     venture (noun) – an undertaking that is dangerous, daring, and of uncertain outcome

10.   bogus (adj.) – counterfeit or fake; not genuine


 Vocabulary List – Huck Finn 5

1.     texas (noun) – a section on a river steamboat containing the pilothouse and the officer’s quarters

2.     impudent (adj.) – characterized by offensive boldness

3.     insurrection (noun) – the act or instance of open revolt against civil authority or government

4.     garret (noun) – a room on the top floor of a house, typically under a pitched roof; an attic

5.     inscribe (verb) – to write, paint, carve, or engrave letter on a surface

6.     tedious (adj.) – tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; boring

7.     brash (adj.) – lack in sensitivity or tact

8.     ascend (verb) – to move upwards; rise

9.     singular (adj.) – being beyond what is ordinary or unusual; remarkable

10.   taper (verb) – to diminish or lessen gradually