I – Search MLA Questions Answer Key



1.      What is an I-Search paper?

 a paper in MLA style with information from 3 sources

2.      How many sources must you use?


3.      What rules must you follow?


4.      Can you use first person?


5.      What is the MLA?

 Modern Language Association

6.      Why should you follow MLA rules?

 easy for readers to see where you got info., no plagiarism

7.      What is plagiarism?

 stealing someone else’s ideas (not giving them credit)

8.      What happens if you plagiarize this paper?

 a little = F on paper, more = F for semester, whole paper plagiarized = possible suspension

9.      What are the two parts of the MLA style?

 parenthetical citations and works cited page

10.  What is a parenthetical citation?

author’s last name or shortened title in parentheses after the fact from the source 

11.  What is the last page of your paper called?

 Works Cited

12.  When do you use parenthetical citations?

 when you use any information not from your own brain – quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing

13.  What does “quote” mean?

 copy information word for word

14.  What does “summarize” mean?

 read many paragraphs and write main ideas in your own words

15.  What does “paraphrase” mean?

 put ideas from sentences into your own words

16.  What does “cite a source” mean?

 use a parenthetical citation AND a works cited entry to say where you got info.

17.  What is on a “Works Cited” page?

a list of all sources AND their publication information 

18.   How are the lines on a “Works Cited” page different from lines in a paragraph?

 a hanging indent, NOT a first line indent is used

19.  Do you introduce a quote?


20.  Do you put a period immediately in front of the closing quotation marks?

 No, it goes after the closing parenthesis.

21.  What does a parenthetical citation do?

 tells readers what to look at on the Works Cited page so they can find the information that comes in front of the “Works Cited” page.

22.  How do authors’ names hang out on a “Works Cited” page?

 a hanging indent is used

23.  How are the sources arranged on the “Works Cited” page?

 alphabetical order

24.  How can you tell if a works cited entry is by an author or about an author?

 By an author = NO quotation marks, About an author = “  “

25.  What name of the author goes first on a “Works Cited” page – the first name or the last name?


26.  Do you put the page numbers of a book on the “Works Cited” page or in the parenthetical citation?

 in the parenthetical citation

27.  Do you put the page numbers of a magazine article only in the parenthetical citation?

 No, in both the citation and works cited entry

28.  Do you put page numbers of web pages in parenthetical citations and “Works Cited” pages?

 No, no pages numbers are used at all.

29.  Does the MLA have a rule that lets you use information from people you speak to, not just written information?


30.  Does the MLA have a rule if the text is by an unknown author?


31.  What punctuation mark do you use to introduce a long quote?

 a colon = :

32.  Do you use quotation marks for a long quote?


33.  Do you indent a long quote?


34.  Should you look at examples of research papers to help you write your own?


35.  What is an Internet address or URL where you can find a sample research paper?
