A Quiz Master Generated game

Fly Me to an "A" on Mr. Fornnarino's Semester 1 Final Exam                        (Synonyms and Antonyms Section)
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Directions: Questions are on the left. Answers are on the right in drop-down boxes. Choose the correct answer for each question.                                                                             Race: After you've made all of your choices, click on Start Race. Your hungry fly is on the left. The competing fly wants to get to the barbecue grill before you. The more answers you get right (green responses), the faster you race. If you want to play again, click on New Race.
1. What are synonyms?
2. What are antonyms?
3. Which set of the following word pairs contains synonyms?                                        antagonism; vexation   |   placidly; vehemently  |  perpetrate; diverge  |  melancholy; sullen    
4. Which set of the following word pairs contains synonyms?                                       genial; amiable  |  inquisitive; incredulous | malevolent; futility  |  inquisitive; scrutinize   
. Which set of the following word pairs contains synonyms?                                        squalor; wrathfully  | scrutinize; squalor  | remorse; regret | apprehensively; genially  
6. Which set of the following words pairs contains antonyms?                                       peeved; mollified  | feeble; propensity  | acquit; extol  | apathetically; irrevocably   
7. Which set of the following words pairs contains antonyms?                                       scrutinize; indigenous   |  genial; malevolent   | remorse; inquisitive | apprehensively; wrathfully  
8. Which set of the following words pairs contains antonyms?                                        contrition; guileless   | inquisitive; amiable   | relent; pursue | malevolent; query
9. Which set of the following words pairs contains antonyms?                                       genially; guileless  | malevolent; benevolent  | amiable; assuage | remorse; joy 
10. Which set of the following words pairs contains antonyms?                                       synonym; antonym  | homophone; homograph   | hyperbole; exaggeration                             | simile; comparison 
Lets race
Lets race