Huck Finn – Background Information Questions


  1. What is Samuel Clemens’ pseudonym?
  2. What does “pseudo” mean?
  3. What does “nym” mean?
  4. Who was the most famous person on the planet during Mark Twain’s lifetime?
  5. When was Mark Twain born?
  6. What is the setting of Huck Finn?
  7. What is the story about?
  8. This novel continues from Tom Sawyer.  What happened at the end of that novel to change Huck’s life?
  9. Why does Huck go live with the Widow Douglas?
  10. What is a widow?
  11. Why doesn’t Huck want to go to heaven?
  12. What do Tom and Huck do to Jim?
  13. How does Jim react?
  14. What are foil characters?
  15. What does Tom represent?
  16. What does Huck represent?
  17. What is a satire?
  18. What is a dialect?
  19. What does, “Who dah?” mean?
  20. What do “sumf'n” and “gwyne” mean?