Index to's Text-Only Summaries for Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie

Scene 1 - Click on this scene summary to read what happens when Tom introduces the background of the play and Amanda tells her children about her youth. Learn about the play's setting, the characters, some symbols, and some major themes.

Scene 2 - Click on this scene summary to read what happens when Amanda learns that Laura has been lying to her, pretending to go to typing and shorthand classes, but not really going. Learn about the symbols and themes in the scene.

Scene 3 - Click on this scene summary to read what happens when Amanda tries to find a husband for Laura and has a big fight with Tom. Learn about more symbols and themes, including the breaking of a glass figurine and Williams' belief that Christianity does NOT help people escape reality. Also, learn about Tennessee Williams' own life and see how much his sister Rose was like his character Laura.

Scene 4 - Click on this scene summary to read what happens after Scene Three's big fight between Amanda and Tom. See how Tom tries to escape his troubles by drinking and going out to shows. Learn about Christian symbols used in the scene and the theme that angered Christian leaders of the time period.

Scene 5 - Click on this scene summary to read what happens when Tom announces (says) that he has invited a gentleman caller to dinner the next day. Learn about more Christian symbols used in the scene and see how Williams, the playwright uses light and shadows to make audience members feel hope and fear.

Scene 6

Scene 7 Home

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