mascot                                            Explication Rubric



Requirements of a Good Explication




Topic Sentence

The topic sentence accurately states the title of the literary work, its author (if known), and its main message.

The topic sentence states the title, author, and the message, but one is inaccurate.

The topic sentence is missing of of the items mentioned in the "Fair" column.

There is no topic sentence.

Detail Sentences (3 or more)

Detail sentences explain three or more characteristics of Native American literature, identify the type of work (prose or poetry), state literary technique (metaphor, myth, repetition, rhythm, rhyme, personification, etc.), state one or more quotes, and explain one or more quotes.  The syntax (word order) of one or more quotes  is explained.

Detail sentences are missing some of  the requirements in.

Detail sentences are missing many of the requirements.

Detail sentences are missing most of the requirements.

Concluding Sentence

The concluding sentence accurately restates the meaning of the literary work.

The concluding sentence is inaccurate.

The concluding sentence is incomplete.

There is no concluding sentence.

Grammar and Mechanics

Writer makes very few errors in grammar, mechanics, or

spelling that distract

the reader from the



Writer makes some errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling that distract

the reader from the



Writer makes many errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling that distract

the reader from the



Writer makes so many errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling that

the reader is unable to appreciate




Any check in the "Unacceptable" column results in an F grade.

Any check in the "Poor" column results in a D grade.

Two or more checks in the  "Fair" column results in a C grade.

One check in the "Fair" column results in a B grade.

All checks in the "Good" column results in an A grade.

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