EHS Rubric 



2-Partially Proficient







·      Has a clear, appropriately placed thesis statement

·      Stays fully focused on topic and audience

·      Supports with specific, elaborated details, examples, facts and reasons

·      Has a clear thesis statement

·      Stays mostly focused on topic and audience

·      Supports with general details, examples, facts and reasons

·      Has an unclear or confusing thesis statement

·      Has limited focus; digresses from topic and audience

·      Has limited support; may have weak or irrelevant details, examples, fact, reasons

·      Lacks a thesis statement

·      Lacks focus; confusing, repetitive, empty or unrelated; severely digresses from topic and audience

·      Lacks support; details, examples, facts, reasons are too brief for clarity or missing

·      Maintains clear order and logical sequence with an effective introduction, body and conclusion

·      Uses smooth transitions that maintain a clear order and are unobtrusive

·      Uses sophisticated paragraphing skills

·      Maintains clear order and logical sequence with a recognizable introduction, body and conclusion

·      Uses reasonably smooth transitions that maintain a clear order , but may be obtrusive

·      Uses appropriate paragraphing skills

·      Does not maintain clear order and sequence; has no recognizable introduction and/or conclusion

·      Uses inappropriate, ineffective, repetitive or obtrusive transitions

·      Uses paragraphing skills which lack unity

·      Does not establish order or sequence; does not use an introduction and/or conclusion

·      Is missing transitions

·      Is missing paragraphing skills



·      Has strong tone and a personal, expressive style

·      Is open, honest, revealing and compelling

·      Is accurate, precise and varied

·      Uses active and precise verbs

·      Uses figurative language, imagery and/or striking language


·      Has tone and begins to express personal style

·      Engages the reader and connects with the topic

·      Is accurate but general

·      Uses a mix of active, precise verbs with general, passive verbs

·      Uses some figurative language, imagery and/or striking language

·      Has flat and uninvolved tone

·      Takes no risks in revealing self and does not involve or move the reader

·      Is basic and may include occasional errors in usage

·      Uses very few active verbs and most are imprecise

·      Uses familiar vocabulary and phrases

·      Does not have apparent tone

·      Shows absence of purpose

·      Is inaccurate, repetitive and weak

·      Uses passive or imprecise verbs

·      Uses vague language; no figurative language, imagery and/or striking language

·      Uses an effective variety of sentence beginnings, structures and lengths

·      Is fluent and easy to read

·      Uses some variety of sentence beginnings, structures and lengths

·      Is generally fluent and easy to follow

·      Uses some variety, but generally uses simple, repetitive sentence beginnings, structures and lengths

·      Is often choppy; many sentences combined needlessly

·      Uses no variety of sentence beginnings, structures and lengths

·      Is not fluent and easy to read

Language Usage


·      Contains no capitalization, punctuation or spelling errors

·      Demonstrates correct grammar and usage (subject/verb and pronoun/ antecedent agreement, correct use of modifiers)

·      Contains no fragments and/or run-ons

·      Contains very few capitalization, punctuation or spelling errors

·      Contains very few grammar and usage errors (subject/verb and pronoun/antecedent agreement, correct use of modifiers)

·      Contains a couple fragments and/or run-ons

·      Contains some capitalization, punctuation or spelling errors

·      Contains grammar and usage errors (subject/verb and pronoun/ antecedent agreement, correct use of modifiers)

·      Contains some fragments and/or run-ons

·      Contains many capitalization, punctuation or spelling errors

·      Contains numerous grammar and usage errors (subject/verb and pronoun/antecedent agreement, correct use of modifiers)

·      Contains many fragments and/or run-ons


Planning __/1




·      Has evidence of planning

Legibility __/1




·      Is legible

Total Score







Partially Proficient

