Combining Sentences

To avoid choppy writing, you need to increase the length of your sentences.  At the same time, you must avoid run-ons.  To write a variety of sentences, use phrases and clauses.  Combine short, choppy sentences by looking for repeated words and eliminating them.


Error Example (Short, choppy sentences):

Mrs. Sperry is a teacher.  Mrs. Sperry is an English teacher.  Mrs. Sperry uses technology to reach students.

Error Correction:  Mrs. Sperry, an English teacher, uses technology to reach students.



1. It is very cold in Frasier, Colorado.  It becomes cold in the winter.  It often becomes extremely cold.

2. In mountain regions, snowfall is heavy. The regions are in western Colorado. The snowfall is heavy this year.

3. Tom Smith is a student. He is very smart.





1. In the winter it is often very cold in Frasier, Colorado.

2. In the mountain regions of western Colorado, snowfall is heavy this year.

3. Tom Smith, a student, is very smart.