Mr. Fornnarino's English 2, Real Quiz 24

Be sure to choose each answer carefully. You get only one try to answer each question correctly!

This space contains reference material beginning next to Question 13.










































































































































































































For Questions 13-18, please read the following passage from Chapter 2 of Haruki Murakami’s After Dark. Choose the best responses to the prompts next to the passage. There is one and only one correct answer to each prompt.


Chapter 2, pages 35-36

The sleeping woman appears to be totally unaware of these events occurring in her room. She evidences no response to the outpouring of light and sound from the TV set but goes on sleeping soundly amid an established completeness. For now, nothing can disturb her deep sleep. The television is a new intruder into the room. We, too, are intruders, of course, but unlike us, the new intruder is neither quiet nor transparent. Nor is it neutral. It is undoubtedly trying to intervene. We sense its intention intuitively.”









































































































For Questions 19-24, please read the following passage from Chapter 3 of Haruki Murakami’s After Dark. Choose the best responses to the prompts next to the passage. There is one and only one correct answer to each prompt.


Chapter 3, Page 58

“The man stares at Kaoru with expressionless eyes. He looks up at the neon sign: Alphaville. He takes off a glove again, pulls a leather billfold from his jacket pocket, counts out seven thousand-yen bills, and lets them drop to his feet. There is no wind: the bills lie flat on the ground. The man puts his glove back on. He raises his arm and looks at his watch. He performs each movement with unnatural slowness. He is clearly in no hurry. He seems to be trying to impress the three women with the sheer weight of his presence. He can take as much time as he likes for anything. All the while, the motorcycle engine keeps up its deep rumbling, like a skittish animal.”



































































































































For Questions 25-27, please read the following passage from regarding the characters of Haruki Murakami’s After Dark. Choose the best responses to the prompts located next to the passage. There is one and only one correct answer to each prompt.

“Takahashi is similar to Mari in many ways except that, whereas Mari is quiet, Takahashi cannot seem to stop talking. Mari keeps her thoughts to herself for the most part, but Takahashi appears to have to vocalize his thoughts to better understand them. Takahashi often talks around his topics when they become too personal. For example, he keeps referencing Eri’s beauty and attractiveness to keep Mari’s interest. Strangely enough, this doesn’t seem to bother Mari, as she exhibits no signs of jealousy. Finally Takahashi admits that his real interest is in Mari, which comes as a surprise to Mari. She is a bit self-deprecating and asks Takahashi why he would want to see more of her.”
"After Dark - List of Characters" eNotes Publishing Ed. Scott Locklear., Inc. 30 Dec, 2016 <>
















































































































For Questions 30-32, please read the following passage from "India: High-Tech and Thirsty." Choose the best responses to the prompts located next to the passage. There is one and only one correct answer to each prompt.



India: High-Tech and Thirsty
by Alice Andre-Clarke

When an American computer scientist wanted to develop the best handwriting recognition software in the world, he packed his bags for Bangalore, known as the Silicon Valley of India. India’s large pool of highly skilled scientists will earn the country about $100 billion in technology revenue this year.

Yet all of India’s science and management talent has been unable to bring its citizens one of the basic comforts of modern life: a steady supply of running water. Fewer than half of Indian households have tap water. Tens of millions don’t have clean drinking water.

No major city in India delivers water 24 hours a day to all its customers. While the fortunate ones buy pumps and storage tanks to capture as much water as possible, those less fortunate rely on tanker trucks to deliver the precious resource.

Those dependent on the trucks must leave school or work to meet them. Because parents place importance on boys’ education, that someone is often a preteen girl. Armed with paint cans and cooking pots, residents toss a hose—not always clean —into the tanker. Kids transport 50- to 100-pound containers on bicycles, or walk with cans balanced on their heads.

In most rural villages, where there is an absence of pipes and tanker trucks, girls might walk a few miles twice a day to a neighboring village’s well. After hoisting heavy buckets from 20 feet below ground level, they then carry the full containers home.

Finding safe water is even more difficult. Rivers are blackened by untreated sewage and fertilizers from farms’ run offs. Clothing factories in the city of Tirupur dump dyed wastewater into the local reservoir.

India can’t deliver water 24/7 because its pipes are often laced with tiny cracks. If forced to hold water pressure all day every day, water would pour from those growing fissures, losing as much as half of the water. While replacing pipes would save water in the long run, doing so would require money that water authorities don’t have.

More than anywhere else, India’s water is lost on its farms. In the 1960s, a drought drastically reduced the country’s grain production. To prevent mass starvation, the government began offering free electricity to farmers to use to dig wells and pump up groundwater. The number of wells rose from 800,000 in 1975 to 22 million in 2000. While the farmers’ hard work held back the famine, their success came at an alarming cost.

Finding a better way to manage India’s water is urgent for two reasons. First, India’s population is growing. Fifty years ago, India’s population was under 500 million, but by 2040, the number will have passed 1.5 billion.

Second, India is experiencing climate change. The mountain glaciers that feed India’s major rivers are rapidly melting away. “Rising temperatures mean that water will evaporate more quickly from rivers, reservoirs, and soil”, explains Veena Srinivasan, a senior research affiliate at the Pacific Institute’s International Communities and Water Initiative.

Experts have many good ideas for making the water supply safe and accessible. Srinivasan argues that rates should be raised, and meters should measure water use in wealthy homes. If people pay for the water they use, they will make wiser choices. Further, Rajendra K. Pachauri, director of New Delhi’s The Energy and Resources Institute, has called for the government to begin charging farmers more for electricity.

Experts want to educate people on how to protect the water supply. While Srinivasan favors programs to teach how to use less water at home, Sanmugam Prathapar of Delhi’s International Water Institute believes families should learn to boil and filter water to make it safe to drink. Farmers can be taught irrigation methods to plant grains that require less water.

Water storage must improve. Srinivasan says that India should expand reservoirs so it can capture heavy rainfalls to be used during droughts.

Fourth, polluters must act more responsibly. Leading conservationist Rajendra Singh has urged that factories be required to treat wastewater so that it’s clean before released into the water supply. He also believes in tougher penalties for polluters.

The World Health Organization estimates that over 700,000 Indians a year die because of poor water and sanitation. Unfortunately, the shortage of clean water is just one crisis facing India. Hundreds of millions of people can’t read or write, and one one-third have no electricity. Many in India are hoping that the fast-growing technology industry will bring in enough money so that people won’t have to choose which problem to solve.

























































For Questions 1-12, please mark the letter of the correct definition of the given vocabulary word.