Mr. Fornnarino's Week of 11/12/12 Literature and Composition Practice

Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise

Fill in all of the blanks. Then press "Check" to check your answers.
Vocabulary Directions: Use the word bank and the scrambled words which appear in parentheses after each blank to unscramble the vocabulary words. Each word should be used once.

Word Bank
acquitted exhilarated tranquil reluctant peeved impaired impassive
cynical fatalistic

Atticus tries to remain (massivepi) about Tom’s trial. The defense attorney is (runcattle) to admit that it’s probably impossible for Tom to be (cadetquit) in Maycomb. The town is (mediarip) by its shared (icyclan) attitudes about minorities. Most lawyers would be (staticfail) about their clients’ chances and outwardly (evedep) about the Alabama town’s citizens’ racism. Atticus is—instead—quietly (hairedlatex) about the slim possibility of a (nilquart) Maycomb.

DOL Directions - Put the correct words and punctuation in the blanks.

Since (it, it's, its, is) snowing (to, too, two) hard (; or , or .) she (don't, doesn't, dosent) want to (takes, took, take) (them, they, themselves) and (I, i, me) to (central park, Central park, Central Park) this morning (, or . or ;)so take (them, we, you, us) with you.

Directions: Use the word bank to help you type in the correct type of figurative language used in each of the quotes taken from "Grover Dill and the Tasmanian Devil" and A Christmas Story.

Word Bank
metaphor – a comparison of two unlike things without using “like” or “as”
simile – a comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as”
personification – giving things or animals characteristics that only humans possess
hyperbole – an extreme exaggeration
imagery – imaginative language intended to give the reader an image that appeals to the senses
onomatopoeia – words that imitate a sound

1. “It is in that jungle [childhood] that all men find out about themselves.” (p. 198)

2. “He [a Tasmanian Devil] knew and I knew. We were Killers. The only thing that separated
us was the sham. He admitted it and I have been attempting to cover it up all of my
life.” (p. 198)

3. “Ground balls come galloping: ‘K-tunk K-tunk K-tunk K tunk’ over the Arctic concrete.”

4. “Lake Michigan is like an enormous flue that stretches all the way up into the Straits of
Mackinac into the Great North Woods of Canada, and the wind howls down that lake
like an enormous chimney.” (p. 200)

5. “If it was cold, the wind sliced you to little pieces and then put you back together again and
sliced you up the other way, then diced and cubed you, ground you up, and put you
back together and started all over again.” (p. 200)

6. “Old erasers that I had eaten years before, library paste that I had downed in second grade,
an Indian Head penny that I had gulped when I was two! It all came up in thunderous,
retching heaves.” (p. 204)