Mrs. Sperry's Pirate Pages

English 1 Course Description and Assessed Standards

Home      The course focuses on grammar, composition, library skills, and literature.  It has eight units which are listed on the English 1 page of this website.



English 1

Assessed Standards



Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience (CSAP)

Compare and contrast text with different themes or ideas  (CSAP)

Paraphrase, summarize, synthesize, and evaluate information from a variety of text and genre (for example, documents, speeches, technical texts, web pages, and memoirs)  (CSAP, D)

Analyze main idea and supporting details in a variety of text and genre (CSAP)

Infer by making connections within and among texts  (CSAP, D)

Respond to and make personal connections with facts, characters, and situations in grade level, multicultural literature: text to self, text to text, and text to world (D)

Sequence events, procedures and ideas  (CSAP)

Locate and recall information in different text structures (for example, cause and effect, problem/solution, compare/contrast)  (CSAP)

Determine meanings of words, including those with multiple meanings, by using context clues (for example, synonyms, comparisons) and structural clues (for example, roots, suffixes, prefixes)  (CSAP)

Identify an author's purpose and the text's historical/cultural context from information presented in the text  (CSAP, D)

Recognize an author’s style and voice (D)

Use reading and writing skills to solve problems, list possible solutions, and provide support for the solutions (D) 

Differentiate fact from opinion in a variety of texts  (CSAP, D)

Distinguish between major, minor, and insignificant details or facts (D)

Makes distinctions in analysis between fact and opinion; cause and effect; comparison and contrast; and problem and solution (D)

Analyze a variety of text in order to make predictions and draw conclusions  (CSAP)

Analyze the text's main idea and use relevant details to support the analysis  (CSAP)

Relate one element of a piece to a whole piece (e g  how setting is related to the whole story) (D)

Analyze the relationship of literary elements of one work or genre to those of another work or genre (D)

Use organizational features of printed and electronic text (for example, prefaces, afterwards, and appendices) to locate information  (CSAP, D)

Use organizational features of electronic information (for example, keyword searches and email addresses) and library and interlibrary catalog databases to locate relevant information  (CSAP)

Summarize and organize information about a topic in a variety of ways (for example, graphic organizer, Venn diagram, outline, timeline) from references, technical sources, and media  (CSAP)

Evaluate information for specific needs, validity, credibility, and bias  (CSAP)

Give credit for others' ideas, images, or information in an appropriate form (for example, bibliography, works cited page, endnotes, or footnotes)  (CSAP, D)

Locate meanings, pronunciations, and derivations of unfamiliar words using dictionaries, glossaries, and other sources  (CSAP)

Read and respond to a variety of literature (for example, novels, poetry, short stories, non-fiction and plays) that represents perspectives from places, people, and events that are familiar and unfamiliar  (CSAP, D)

Apply literary terminology and knowledge of literary techniques (including, but not limited to, plot, rising action, style, mood, setting, protagonist, antagonist, characters, tone, point of view, foreshadowing, personification, pun, simile, idiom, symbolism, sarcasm, oxymoron, or flashback) to understand text  (CSAP, D)

Identify and apply poetry terminology: alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme, rhythm, stanza, verse, and repetition  (D)

Identify sensory imagery and its impact in reading (D)

Read a given text, identify the theme, and provide support from the text  (CSAP)

Develop a thesis statement about a particular text and provide support from the text  (CSAP)

Understand how figurative language supports meaning in a given text  (CSAP)

Write in a variety of genres such as editorials, personal narratives, essays, stories, and letters for specific purposes (for example, to analyze, to evaluate, to entertain, to persuade, to inform, or to explain)  (CSAP)

Develop and support a thesis about the craft and significance of particular works of literature  (D)

Select and develop a topic for composition (D)

Write a clear topic sentence or thesis (D)

Organize writing using a variety of text structures (for example, compare/contrast or problem/solution)  (CSAP)

Organize writing so that it has an engaging introduction, development of ideas, and purposeful conclusion  (CSAP, D)

Provide smooth transitional words or expressions to maintain a clear word order (D)

Use vivid and precise language and imagery as appropriate to audience and purpose  (CSAP, D)

Use figurative language to create imagery in personal writing (D)

Use sensory imagery in writing (D)

Implement dialogue in narrative writing (D)

Distinguishes between active and passive verbs (D)

Plan, draft, revise, and edit for a legible final copy  (CSAP, D)

Write in format (for example, letters, lab reports, business communications, summaries and essays) and voice appropriate to purpose and audience  (CSAP)

Vary sentence structure and length to enhance meaning, clarity, and fluency  (CSAP, D)

Use dependent clauses and complex sentences (D)

Develop main ideas and content with relevant support and explanation in response to a prompt  (CSAP)

Edit for conventional grammar  (CSAP)

Use standard English in writing including pronoun/antecedent agreement, subject/verb agreement, regular/irregular verbs, and modifiers  (CSAP, D)

Write in complete sentences; fragments and run-ons are not used (CSAP, D)

Use conventions correctly (for example, commas, quotation marks, apostrophes, colons, semi-colons, hyphens, underlining/italics, end marks , capitalization)  (CSAP, D)

Use conventional spelling  (CSAP)

Use paragraphing correctly, so that each paragraph is differentiated by indenting or blocking and includes one major, focused idea  (CSAP)

Use metacognition to evaluate reading, speaking, writing, listening, and viewing abilities (D)

Construct a new whole from individual parts regarding reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing (D)

Produce a tangible product meeting or exceeding district standards and demonstrating understanding of content objectives (D)