mascot                                                   MLA Research Paper Frame for Arthur Miller's The Crucible

Note: You must use quotes from each act, paraphrases, information from other sources, parenthetical citations, and have an accurate Works Cited page in order to create an acceptable research paper.


Introduction Paragraph (First Paragraph):

            For your introduction, use something similar to the following paragraph:


 The events which occur during Arthur Miller's play The Crucible are amazing and terrifying. Although Miller changes many of the historical facts, his play has great value because it makes people think about the causes of witch hunts. Careful study of The Crucible reveals that the three characters most to blame for the witch hysteria and the subsequent deaths of innocent people in Salem Village in 1692 are _________________, __________________, and _________________.



Second Paragraph:

For this paragraph, your first body paragraph, fill in the blanks based on what you believe and can prove with evidence from The Crucible and other sources. 

             ________________________ is most responsible for the Salem witch hysteria. (FIRST REASON:) ______________________________________________________. This is shown when __________ he/she says, (QUOTE TO PROVE REASON:) "______________________" (parenthetical citation).   In addition, he/she (SECOND REASON:) _______________________________________________________________.  This is shown when (PARAPHRASE TO PROVE REASON:) ______________________ parenthetical citation).  Also, he/she (THIRD REASON:)___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________.  A source outside of the play confirms the guilt of _____________ because it says, "______________________" (parenthetical citation). Clearly, ______________________ is the person most responsible for the terrible events that occur in The Crucible.


          Third Paragraph:


             ______________________is also responsible for the tragic deaths.  (FIRST REASON:) ____________________

_____________________________________________________________________________.  Evidence of this is when he/she says, (QUOTE TO PROVE REASON:) "______________________" (Parenthetical Citation).  Another reason he/she is to blame is because (SECOND REASON:) ________________________________________  ______________________________. This is shown when (PARAPHRASE TO PROVE REASON:) ______________________ (parenthetical citation). Yet another reason he/she is to blame is because (THIRD REASON:) _______________________________________________.  Another source outside of the play confirms the guilt of _____________ because it says, "______________________" (parenthetical citation). Certainly, ____________________ is guilty of adding to the spread of terror.


Fourth Paragraph:


            Lastly,  _____________________ is responsible for the hanging of innocent people as witches. (FIRST REASON:) __________________________________________________________.  Proof of this is when he/she says, (QUOTE TO PROVE REASON:) "______________________" (parenthetical citation).  Also, (SECOND REASON _________________________________________________________________________. Additionally, (THIRD REASON) __________________________________________________________.  Yet another source confirms this, saying "_______________________________" (parenthetical citation). It is clear that _____________________________ causes many deaths.




            In conclusion, in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, the three characters most to blame for the hangings of innocent people during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 are __________________________, __________________________, and_____________________________.  From these characters, readers learn how dangerous lying, the misuse of authority, and ___________ are to a society. Certainly, the play has value today because it shows how easily a society can destroy itself by hunting down those who are different.


              Works Cited (Separate page, but same document.) It should look something like what you see below.)


Works Cited

Education Unit Teacher’s Pack. Auckland Theatre Company,  Accessed 26 Mar. 2012.

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Penguin, 1995.




This frame was adapted from Jennifer Dickey Hudson's work at