CSAP Holistic Writing Rubric for the Short Constructed Response Task

Student ID_______________________________   Teacher __________________ Period _____   Overall Score = _________

This rubric is used to score students' responses to a writing prompt that requires a single paragraph.  Each paragraph receives a single score of 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points.  A score point of 0 is earned if a response is off-topic or unreadable.  (Source: http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeassess/documents/csap/rubrics/HolisticWritingRubricforSCRs_Eng.pdf)


Score Point 4

Score Point 3

Score Point 2

Score Point 1

Content and Organization


Most checkmarks are in Score Point ____.

*    Supporting details are relevant and provide important information about the topic. 

*    The writing has balance; the main idea stands out from the details. 

*    The writer seems in control and develops the topic in a logical, organized way. 

*    The writing connects ideas to the specified purpose.

*    The writer has defined but not thoroughly developed the topic, idea, or story line. 

*    Some supporting details are relevant but limited, or overly general, or less important. 

*    The writer makes general observations without using specific details or does not delineate the main idea from the details. 

*    The writer attempts to develop the topic in an organized way, but may falter in either logic or organization. 

*    The writer connects ideas with the specified topic implicitly rather than explicitly. 

*    The writer has defined but not thoroughly developed the topic, idea, or story line; response may be unclear or sketchy or may read like a collection of thoughts from which no central idea emerges. 

*    Supporting details are minimal or irrelevant or no distinction is made between main ideas and details. 

*    The writer does not develop the topic in an organized way; response may be a list rather than a developed paragraph. 

*    Ideas are not connected to the specified purpose.

*    The writer has not defined the topic, idea, or story line. 

*    Supporting details are absent. 

*    Organization is not evident; may be a brief list. 

*    Ideas are fragmented and unconnected with the specified purpose.

Style and Fluency


Most checkmarks are in Score Point ___.

*    The writer selects words that are accurate, specific, and appropriate for the specified purpose. 

*    The writer may experiment with words and/or use figurative language and/or imagery. 

*    The writer uses a variety of sentence structures. 

*    The writing is readable, neat, and nearly error-free. 

*    The writer mostly selects words that are accurate, specific, and appropriate for the purpose of the writing. 

*    The writer uses age-appropriate words that are accurate but may lack precision.  

*    The writer uses simple but accurate sentence structures. 

*    The writing is mostly readable and neat. 

*    Errors in language usage, spelling, and mechanics do not impede communication.

*    The writer sometimes selects words that are not accurate, specific, or appropriate for the purpose of the writing. 

*    Writing may be choppy or repetitive. 

*    Portions of the writing are unreadable or messy; errors may impede communication in some portions of the response.

*    Much of the writing is unreadable or messy. 

*    Word choice is inaccurate or there are many repetitions. 

*    Vocabulary is age-inappropriate. 

*    The writer uses simple, repetitive sentence structures or many sentence fragments. 

*   Errors severely impede communication.